fun page header filled with orange organic shapes & a diverse range of students


Who is eligible for Last Mile Education Fund AWARDS?

Are you close to finishing your degree but need financial investment to cross the finish line? The Last Mile Education Fund is here to help.

Our awards are designed for students who are financially vulnerable and in the final stages of their academic journey. We have funding opportunities for students of all races, ethnicities, and genders. We encourage you to explore the specific opportunities available through our Investor and Partner Funds detailed on the Apply Page to learn about each fund’s unique eligibility requirements.

General FAQs | Eligibility FAQs | Student Loans FAQs | Visa FAQs | Tax Forms FAQs | Requirements FAQs | Funding FAQs

What type of funding is available?

For US Residents:

  • Emergency Mini Fund: up to $595

  • Bridge Fund: $600-$4,500 (only for juniors and seniors in undergraduate or graduate school)

  • Last Mile Fund: Up to $10,000 (only for seniors in undergraduate programs)

  • Industry Certification Exams (this is specific to the Microsoft Scholarship Program only)

For F1 Visa Students:

  • Emergency Mini Fund: up to $595

  • Bridge Fund: $600-$3,000 (only for juniors and seniors in undergraduate or graduate school)


We recommend that you apply 1-2 months before you need the funding. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, so do apply any time to be matched to funding you are eligible for.

What kinds of expenses do you fund?

The Last Mile Education Fund is designed to fill gaps in financial support for financially vulnerable students. It is not a substitute for institution-based financial aid or student loans. We provide support for expenses not covered by traditional scholarships or aid and shortfalls due to loss of work. This may include but is not limited to tuition, books, rent, car repairs, utility bills, groceries, conference attendance and travel expenses, healthcare, and technology.

As a Junior, can I apply to have my future expenses paid for until graduation?

When applying for a Last Mile or Bridge Fund, we consider past balances owed; however, we only fund tuition, rent, expenses, etc., for the current term.

What majors are eligible?

Awards focus on Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and STEM-related majors. Some funds have restrictions based on region, major, race/ethnicity, and gender. Click on the “Learn More” button below each Investor & Partner Fund on the Apply Page.

Do note that the Last Mile Caravan Portal provides access to our single sign-on common application portal, where we assess your eligibility and match you to available funding and support opportunities: there is no unique application link specific to a certain fund. We encourage you to include specific areas of study and/or adjacent interests (such as cybersecurity, physics, etc.) in your application.

Am I eligible for funding as a Freshman or Sophomore?

Yes and no.

Some of our awards are open to students at all levels. However, other awards, like the Bridge Fund and Last Mile Fund, are only open to students within their final four semesters of undergraduate or graduate degree completion.

The Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program is open to all collegiate levels for U.S. community college students pursuing a certificate, associate or bachelor's degree in cybersecurity or cyber-adjacent degrees such as information technology, computer science, data systems, etc. Students also receive access to LinkedIn Premium, GitHub Global Campus and Global Mentors Initiative.

We do accept dual enrollment for high school students also attending community college, however, all applicants must be at least 18 years of age to qualify for any funding from Last Mile Education Fund.

Are graduate students eligible?

Some of our funds are open to graduate students, and new funds are being added frequently, so join our social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with announcements about new opportunities.

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Do I have to take out/accept my federal loans before I apply for Bridge and Last Mile funding?

Yes. Our Bridge and Last Mile Funds are only for students who have exhausted all possible forms of aid available to them. Our awards are not a substitute or replacement for federal loans but a potential supplement to federal loans when loans are not enough to meet students’ needs. When reviewing applications, we also take into consideration other subsidized resources being utilized by the applicant, i.e.: SNAP etc. 


We do not pay back student loans or credit cards.  

Is this a loan?

You are worth our investment! Last Mile Education Fund and its partner funds are awards, not loans. Therefore, there is no legal or financial obligation to repay the support you receive. However, we are a social fund and hope that after graduation, you will join us as a volunteer and donor once you are settled into your career. 

Do I have to live in the US?

At this time, we cannot disburse funds internationally, so you must be attending a US-based institution and have a US-based mailing address.


Yes! Last Mile is uniquely positioned to proudly fund international students in tech pathways.

Students who hold F1 Visas and are able to provide ITINs are eligible for up to $3000 over the course of their education, helping juniors and seniors in an undergraduate program or first and second-year students in a master’s program bridge potentially catastrophic financial hurdles.

  • Emergency Mini Fund: One award per tax year (Jan-Dec) can be paid directly to an F1 Visa student.

  • Bridge Fund: Due to tax treaty challenges, we are only able to fund F1 Visa students for qualified educational expenses paid directly to institutions, or paid directly to third-party vendors for devices like a laptops or desktop computers. Eligible expenses that are paid directly to institutions can include but are not limited to:

  • Tuition

  • Health Plans

  • Parking Decals

  • Meal Plans

will I receive a 1099 TAX FORM for my last mile award?

No. Your Last Mile Education Fund award is a gift and you will not receive a Form-1099 from us.

Why am I required to submit a Form W-8 or W-9 during the Last Mile Education Fund application process?

Last Mile requires a Form W-8 or W-9 during the application process as a form of identity verification to prevent fraud.


We understand that applicants often have other family members/dependents for whom they are financially responsible, however, we can only fund students who are actively enrolled in an eligible degree program and Last Mile cannot pay for other dependent’s expenses.

Do I have to have a LinkedIn account?

We use your LinkedIn account to verify your identity as a student and we require your LinkedIn to have a personal photo. You can use another professional profile, such as GitHub or a personal web page; however, it is highly recommended that all students pursuing careers in technology set up and maintain a LinkedIn profile, as this can only help with future employment prospects

Is a transcript required for my application?

Yes. Every application requires a full transcript showing your name, the institution name, your major, and the current academic semester. In addition, if you are enrolled in a boot camp or industry certification, you must show proof of enrollment with your name, the program's name, and the program's date(s). Without this information, your application will be declined. Providing a transcript in PDF format will speed up application processing time.

Can I submit an Unofficial Transcript?


What if I cannot get my transcript because there is a hold on my account?

Call your financial aid office or bursar and let them know you are applying for funding to pay off your school bill and that you must provide an unofficial transcript. 9 out of 10 times, the schools will release that to you.

Can we send videos or pictures of our transcripts and bills?

No videos are accepted. Pictures are strongly discouraged, as they will cause a significant delay in reviewing your application. We prefer that all documents are sent as PDFs or a screenshot.

How do my AWARD funds for tuition get disbursed?

If we have approved you for tuition, it is paid directly to your institution, and we can only pay tuition if there is a balance in your school account greater than or equal to the amount awarded. If your school account shows that your balance has been paid, we are not able to process your award for tuition, redirect it to other expenses or carry it forward to another term.


There are different maximums allowed based on your collegiate level, but students pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree cannot exceed $10,000 in funding over a lifetime.


You are welcome to apply more than once. However, the Last Mile Education Fund is meant to be a source of gap funding and not an alternative to securing other sources of funding, i.e., federal aid, financial aid, employment, etc.

After reading the FAQS and the application for which you are applying, and if you still have more questions, contact