To mark this milestone, Team8 hosted the Honorees, Judges, cybersecurity executives, CISOs, VCs, and thought leaders on the NYSE Trading Floor for a special recognition night. The evening featured opening remarks from Galina Antova, Co-Founder and Board Member of Claroty, and Ruthe Farmer, CEO of the Last Mile Education Fund, which has invested over $12M to support nearly 10,000 low-income tech undergraduates in overcoming unexpected challenges.
The Cadence Giving Foundation has committed $20 million towards this initiative, including philanthropic and product donations over the next decade to organizations that align with Fem.AI’s mission.
Some nonprofit companies cater to specific majors and fields. Nonprofits like the Last Mile Education Fund, which caters to those majoring in STEM-based fields, offer their services year-round for those who qualify.
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Most scholarships focus on getting students into college, but an organization is working to ensure students already enrolled earn their degrees and get good jobs. Last Mile Education Fund, a nonprofit, is aiming at helping late-stage college students who are facing challenges with finishing.
After nearly five years of operation, the GET (Gender Equity in Tech) Citiesinitiative, designed to accelerate the power and influence of historically excluded people and places in tech, is embarking on a new innovative chapter: transition to community.Three organizations and longstanding GET Cities partners will be key players in the next phase of the work, furthering the initiative's impact: Last Mile Education Fund , Radical Partners & World Business Chicago .
In its second phase, the program will leverage additional funding from the Kresge Foundation, Skillman Foundation, Ford Fund, and Michigan Central to expand its reach. The focus will shift to students pursuing high-demand STEM majors and credentials, ensuring program sustainability and alignment with workforce needs.
For the first installment of the series, NationSwell spoke to Ruthe Farmer — founder & CEO of the Last Mile Education Fund — and Fabio Mendes, Global Citizenship Manager at Dow — about their talent pipeline partnership, the Dow Last Mile Fund for Manufacturing & Skilled Trades.