REU Participation Fellowship

The application cycle has closed for 2022.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) can be a pivotal component of an undergraduate education. They offer students a deeper dive into a subject area and provide valuable work experience, mentorship opportunities, and early exposure to academic career paths. A typical summer REU runs 8-10 weeks and generally pays a stipend or other type of support (travel, meals, housing) in compensation. 

First generation college students (a population with greater unmet financial need) are significantly less likely to learn about and participate in an REU, even at the highest GPA levels. [Computing Research Association]

The Last Mile Fellowship to Broaden Computing-Related REU Participation addresses financial insecurities that may be a barrier to engagement by low-income students. During the pilot phase five (5) students, who are accepted into a Computer Science (CS) REU for Summer 2022 and apply to the Last Mile Education Fund, will receive $10,000 fellowships. The fellowships will be paid directly to the students and are in addition to the compensation provided by the REU Site. Recipients will be asked to participate in evaluation surveys and interviews at the conclusion of the REU. 

Students must apply separately to an REU Site. This application for the Fellowship is in addition to and independent of your REU application. However, since REU Site application and acceptance deadlines vary widely, we encourage you to complete this Fellowship application even if you have not yet secured an REU. 

Information about the Last Mile Fellowship to Broaden Computing-Related REU Participation

  • What is an REU and how do I get one?

    • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) are competitive summer research programs for undergraduates studying science, engineering, or mathematics. The programs are sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are hosted in various universities through its REU Sites program. 

    • An REU Site consists of a group of ten (10) or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where they work closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. 

    • If you would like to pursue a computing-related REU for Summer 2022, ask your advisor or a CS faculty member about REU opportunities at your school. Or, reach out to participating Computer and Information Science and Engineering sites.

    • REU Site application and acceptance deadlines vary widely and we encourage you to complete the Fellowship application before you have secured an REU. 

    • More information for Students

    • Information for Faculty

Who is eligible for this Fellowship?

  • Undergraduate students that:

    • Demonstrate low-income status

    • Identify as a member of an underrepresented group 

    • Are currently pursuing a computing-related degree 

    • Have been accepted into a computing related REU for Summer 2022

  • What documents are required for the application?

    • Current transcript including major/minor 

    • Current financial aid award letter and/or Pell Grant eligibility 

    • Link to your LinkedIn profile or your GitHub profile 

    • Name and email of two (2) references (faculty or mentor)